
Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Vegemite Roll (forth... and back!)

the birth of a washing machine... we were playing with Head to Hands and flowed into what really is a "heady" version of a high Kathrin's Wheel... and since it was in Oz surrounded by Perthians, co-created with fearless flyer Victoria "Tori" McLarty.. it was named the Vegemite Roll,.. time will tell if it sticks,.. yum yum...

oh and the end is more like a dreamed "Rewind" version, we have yet to try it, 
please share any attempt!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

One night i had this vision of a rotating Floating Pashi which i couldn't get out of my mind ~`~
Then one day it became reality with Tori Victoria Mclarty embodying the flying mantras "squeeze and trust" & "keep your shape" & the less well known "subtly and silently micro-adjust"...
Play with it, step by step, no rush, use a spotter if any doubt.. and let us know how it goes! 
Oh and try the reverse, it might become the sequel to this video 
Special thanks to Emily Williams for patiently filming us, at the risk of being roasted alive by the NT sun!